计算机信息管理课程实验 C++篇
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计算机信息管理课程实验 C++篇


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  1. 定义盒子Box类,要求具有以下成员:长、宽、高分别为x、y、z,可设置盒子形状;可计算盒子体积;可计算盒子的表面积。
using namespace std;class Box {
public: // 构造函数 Box(){
}; // 带参数的构造函数 Box(double a, double b, double c):x(a), y(b), z(c){
} // 设置盒子大小 void setBox(double a, double b, double c) {
x = a; y = b; z = c; } // 获取面积 double getArea() {
return 2 * (x * y + y * z + z * x); } // 获取体积 double getVolume() {
return x * y * z; } void display() {
cout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z; cout << " area: " << getArea(); cout << " volume: " << getVolume() << endl; }private: double x, y, z;};void main() {
// 使用默认构造函数不需要Box b2(); Box b1; b1.setBox(1, 2, 3); b1.display(); // 使用带参数的构造函数,需要传入指定参数 Box b2(2, 3, 4); b2.display(); // 使用new运算符创建动态对象,需要用delete运算符销毁,否则会造成内存泄漏 Box* b3 = new Box(4, 5, 6); b3->display(); delete b3;}


x: 1 y: 2 z: 3 area: 22 volume: 6
x: 2 y: 3 z: 4 area: 52 volume: 24
x: 4 y: 5 z: 6 area: 148 volume: 120

  1. 声明一个类模板,分别实现两个整数、浮点数和字符的比较,求出最大数和最小数。
using namespace std;template
// 声明类模板class Compare {
public: Compare(numtype a, numtype b):x(a), y(b){
} // 获取最大值 numtype max(){
return x > y ? x : y; } // 获取最小值 numtype min(){
return x > y ? y : x; } void display() {
cout << "x: " << x; cout << " y: " << y; cout << " max: " << max(); cout << " min: " << min() << endl; }private: numtype x, y;};void main() {
c1(1, 2); c1.display(); Compare
c2(22.2, 33.3); c2.display(); Compare
c3("hello", "world"); c3.display();}


x: 1 y: 2 max: 2 min: 1
x: 22.2 y: 33.3 max: 33.3 min: 22.2
x: hello y: world max: world min: hello

  1. 建立一个对象数组,内放5个学生的数据(学号、成绩),用指针指向数组首元素,输出第1,3,5个学生的数据。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class Student {
public: Student(int n, double s): num(n), score(s){
}; void display() {
cout << "num: " << num; cout << " score: " << score << endl; }private: int num; double score;};void main() {
Student s[5] = {
Student(101, 100.0), Student(102, 33.50), Student(103, 60.0), Student(104, 89.50), Student(105, 95.50) }; Student* p = s; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
if((i % 2) == 0) (p+i)->display(); }}


num: 101 score: 100
num: 103 score: 60
num: 105 score: 95.5

  1. 建立一个对象数组,内放5个学生的数据(学号、成绩),设立一个函数max,用指向对象的指针作函数参数,在max函数中找出5个学生中成绩最高者,并输出其学号。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class Student {
public: Student(int n, double s): num(n), score(s){
}; double getScore() {
return score; } void display() {
cout << "num: " << num; cout << " score: " << score << endl; }private: int num; double score;};void max(Student* p) {
int k = 0; double max_score = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
int cur_score = (p+i)->getScore(); if (max_score < cur_score) {
k = i; max_score = cur_score; } } cout << "the student with the highest score is "; (p+k)->display();}void main() {
Student s[5] = {
Student(101, 55.0), Student(102, 33.50), Student(103, 60.0), Student(104, 89.50), Student(105, 95.50) }; Student* p = s; max(p);}


the student with the highest score is num: 105 score: 95.5

  1. 用new建立一个动态一维数组,并初始化int[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},用指针输出,最后销毁数组所占空间。
using namespace std;void main() {
int* p; // C++11可改为p = new int[10]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; p = new int[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
*(p+i) = i+1; } for(int j = 0; j < 10; j ++) {
cout << *(p+j) << " "; } cout << endl; delete[] p;}


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. 定义一个复数类Complex,重载运算符“+”,使之能用于复数的加法运算。将运算符函数重载为非成员、非友元的普通函数。编写程序,求两个复数之和。初值自拟。

复数是由实部和虚部构成的数学对象。复数可以表示为 a + bi 的形式,其中 a 和 b 都是实数,i 是虚数单位,满足 i² = -1。

在这个表示中,a 是复数的实部,b 是复数的虚部。实部和虚部都是实数。两个复数相等当且仅当它们的实部相等并且它们的虚部相等。
与实数不同的是,复数之间存在着更加复杂的乘法和除法运算。例如,如果 z₁ = 2 +i 3,z₂ = - 4 + i 5,则彼此相乘将得到:z₁z₂ = - 22 + i 7。因此,除了一般的加法和减法外,还需要引入其他算术规则和操作来处理复数。


using namespace std;class Complex {
public: Complex(double r, double i): real(r), imag(i) {
} double getReal() {
return real; } double getImag() {
return imag; } void display() {
cout << "(" << real << " ," << imag << ")" << endl; }private: double real, imag;};// (a, b)-(c, d) = (a+c, b+d)Complex operator+(Complex& c1, Complex& c2) {
return Complex(c1.getReal() + c2.getReal(), c1.getImag() + c2.getImag());}// (a, b)-(c, d) = (a-c, b-d)Complex operator-(Complex& c1, Complex& c2) {
return Complex(c1.getReal() - c2.getReal(), c1.getImag() - c2.getImag());}// (a, b)*(c, d) = (ac - bd, ad + bc)Complex operator*(Complex& c1, Complex& c2) {
return Complex(c1.getReal() * c2.getReal() - c1.getImag() * c2.getImag(), c1.getReal() * c2.getImag() + c1.getImag() * c2.getReal());}// (a, b)/(c, d) = ((ac + bd) / (c^2 + d^2), (bc - ad) / (c^2 + d^2))Complex operator/(Complex& c1, Complex& c2) {
double m = c2.getReal() * c2.getReal() + c2.getImag() * c2.getImag(); double real = (c1.getReal() * c2.getReal() + c1.getImag() * c2.getImag()) / m; double imag = (c1.getImag() * c2.getReal() - c1.getReal() * c2.getImag()) / m; return Complex(real, imag);}void main() {
Complex c1(2, 3); cout << "c1 = "; c1.display(); Complex c2(-4, 5); cout << "c2 = "; c2.display(); cout << "c1 + c2 = "; (c1 + c2).display(); cout << "c1 - c2 = "; (c1 - c2).display(); cout << "c1 * c2 = "; (c1 * c2).display(); cout << "c1 / c2 = "; (c1 / c2).display();}


c1 = (2 ,3)
c2 = (-4 ,5)
c1 + c2 = (-2 ,8)
c1 - c2 = (6 ,-2)
c1 * c2 = (-23 ,-2)
c1 / c2 = (0.170732 ,-0.536585)

  1. 定义一个复数类Complex,重载运算符“+”,“-”,使之能用于复数的加,减运算,运算符重载函数作为Complex类的成员函数。编程序,分别求出两个复数之和,差。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class Complex {
public: Complex(double r, double i): real(r), imag(i) {
} Complex operator+(Complex& c); Complex operator-(Complex& c); void display() {
cout << "(" << real << " ," << imag << ")" << endl; }private: double real, imag;};Complex Complex::operator+(Complex& c) {
return Complex(real + c.real, imag + c.imag);}Complex Complex::operator-(Complex& c) {
return Complex(real - c.real, imag - c.imag);}void main() {
Complex c1(2, 3); cout << "c1 = "; c1.display(); Complex c2(-4, 5); cout << "c2 = "; c2.display(); cout << "c1 + c2 = "; (c1 + c2).display(); cout << "c1 - c2 = "; (c1 - c2).display();}


c1 = (2 ,3)
c2 = (-4 ,5)
c1 + c2 = (-2 ,8)
c1 - c2 = (6 ,-2)

  1. 定义一个复数类Complex,重载运算符“+”,使之能用于复数的加法运算。参加运算的两个运算量可以都是类对象,也可以其中有一个是整数,顺序任意。例如:c1+c2,i+c1,c1+i均合法(设i为整数,c1,c2为复数)。编程序,分别求两个复数之和、整数和复数之和。初值自拟。

友元函数的概念是在 C++ 标准化之后引入的,VC6.0 是一个较为古老的编译器版本,发布于 1998 年,仅支持部分 C++98 的特性,并不支持 C++11、C++14或更高标准提出的许多新特性,包括现代意义上的友元函数。

虽然 VC6.0 可以定义和使用传统意义上的自由函数(非成员函数),但实际上它并没有真正支持友元函数。因此,在使用 VC6.0 时,您需要采用传统的方法来定义和访问类的私有成员。

using namespace std;class Complex {
public: Complex() {
real = 0; imag = 0; } Complex(double r, double i) : real(r), imag(i) {
} double getReal() {
return real; } double getImag() {
return imag; } Complex operator+(Complex& c); friend Complex operator+(int& i, Complex& c); friend Complex operator+(Complex& c, int& i); void display() {
cout << "(" << real << " ," << imag << ")" << endl; }private: double real, imag;};Complex Complex::operator+(Complex& c) {
return Complex(real + c.real, imag + c.imag);}Complex operator+(Complex& c, int& i) {
return Complex(c.getReal() + i, c.getImag());}Complex operator+(int& i, Complex& c) {
return Complex(c.getReal() + i, c.getImag());}void main() {
Complex c1(2, 3); cout << "c1 = "; c1.display(); Complex c2(-4, 5); cout << "c2 = "; c2.display(); cout << "c1 + c2 = "; (c1 + c2).display(); int i = 2; cout << "c1 + 2 = "; (c1 + i).display(); cout << "2 + c1 = "; (i + c1).display();}


c1 = (2 ,3)
c2 = (-4 ,5)
c1 + c2 = (-2 ,8)
c1 + 2 = (4 ,3)
2 + c1 = (4 ,3)

  1. 有两个矩阵a和b,均为2行3列。求两个矩阵之和。重载运算符“+”,使之能用于矩阵相加。如c=a+b。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class Matrix {
private: int data[2][3];public: Matrix(); Matrix(const int (&arr)[2][3]); friend Matrix operator+(const Matrix& m1, const Matrix& m2); void display();};Matrix::Matrix() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
data[i][j] = 0; } }}Matrix::Matrix(const int (&arr)[2][3]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
data[i][j] = arr[i][j]; } }}Matrix operator+(const Matrix& m1, const Matrix& m2) {
Matrix m; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
m.data[i][j] = m1.data[i][j] + m2.data[i][j]; } } return m;}void Matrix::display() {
cout << "{ "; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
cout << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << "{"; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
cout << (j == 0 ? "" : ", ") << data[i][j]; } cout << "}"; } cout << " }" << endl;}void main() {
int arr1[2][3] = {
1, 2, 3}, {
4, 5, 6} }; Matrix m1(arr1); int arr2[2][3] = {
7, 8, 9}, {
10, 11, 12} }; Matrix m2(arr2); Matrix m3 = m1 + m2; cout << "m3 = "; m3.display();}


m3 = { {8, 10, 12}, {14, 16, 18} }

  1. 将运算符“+”重载为适用于复数加法,重载函数不作为成员函数,而放在类外,作为Complex类的友元函数。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class Complex {
private: double real, imag;public: Complex(); Complex(const double& r, const double& imag); friend Complex operator+(const Complex& c1, const Complex& c2); void display();};Complex::Complex() {
real = 0; imag = 0;}Complex::Complex(const double& r, const double& i) : real(r), imag(i) {
}void Complex::display() {
cout << "(" << real << ", " << imag << ")" << endl;}Complex operator+(const Complex& c1, const Complex& c2) {
return Complex(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag);}void main() {
Complex c1(3, 4); Complex c2(5, 6); cout << "c1 + c2 = "; (c1 + c2).display();}


c1 + c2 = (8, 10)

  1. 定义一个字符串类String,用来存放不定长的字符串,重载运算符“==”,用于两个字符串的等于比较运算。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class String {
private: char* p;public: String() {
p = nullptr; } String(const char* s) {
p = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; strcpy_s(p, strlen(s) + 1, s); } String(const String& other) {
if (other.p == nullptr) {
p = nullptr; } else {
p = new char[strlen(other.p) + 1]; strcpy_s(p, strlen(other.p) + 1, other.p); } } void display() const {
cout << p << endl; } friend bool operator==(const String& s1, const String& s2);};bool operator==(const String& s1, const String& s2) {
return strcmp(s1.p, s2.p) == 0 ? true : false;}void main() {
String s1("Hello"); String s2("World"); String s3(s1); String s4; s4 = "World"; if (s1 == s2) cout << "s1 equals to s2." << endl; else cout << "s1 doesn't equal to s2." << endl; if (s1 == s3) cout << "s1 equals to s3." << endl; else cout << "s1 doesn't equal to s3." << endl; if (s2 == s4) cout << "s2 equals to s4." << endl; else cout << "s2 doesn't equal to s4." << endl;}


s1 doesn’t equal to s2.
s1 equals to s3.
s2 equals to s4.

  1. 定义一个字符串类String,用来存放不定长的字符串,重载运算符"<",用于两个字符串的小于的比较运算。初值自拟。
using namespace std;class String {
private: char* p;public: String() {
p = nullptr; } String(const char* s) {
p = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; strcpy_s(p, strlen(s) + 1, s); } String(const String& other) {
if (other.p == nullptr) {
p = nullptr; } else {
p = new char[strlen(other.p) + 1]; strcpy_s(p, strlen(other.p) + 1, other.p); } } void display() const {
cout << p << endl; } friend bool operator==(const String& s1, const String& s2); friend bool operator<(const String& s1, const String& s2); friend bool operator>(const String& s1, const String& s2);};bool operator==(const String& s1, const String& s2) {
return strcmp(s1.p, s2.p) == 0;}bool operator<(const String& s1, const String& s2) {
return strcmp(s1.p, s2.p) < 0;}bool operator>(const String& s1, const String& s2) {
return strcmp(s1.p, s2.p) > 0;}void main() {
String s1("Hello"); String s2("World"); String s3(s1); String s4; s4 = "World"; if(s1 == s2) cout << "s1 == s2." << endl; else if (s1 < s2) cout << "s1 < s2." << endl; else if (s1 > s2) cout << "s1 > s2." << endl; if (s1 == s3) cout << "s1 == s3." << endl; else if (s1 < s3) cout << "s1 < s3." << endl; else if (s1 > s3) cout << "s1 > s3." << endl; if (s2 == s4) cout << "s1 == s4." << endl; else if (s2 < s4) cout << "s2 < s4." << endl; else if (s2 > s4) cout << "s2 > s4." << endl;}


s1 < s2.
s1 == s3.
s1 == s4.

  1. 定义一个字符串类String,用来存放不定长的字符串,重载运算符">",用于两个字符串的大于的比较运算。初值自拟。(同12题,‘<’,'>'都包含)
using namespace std;const double PI = 3.1415926;class Point {
protected: double x, y;public: Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) {
this->x = x; this->y = y; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Point& p); friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Point& p);};ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Point& p) {
os << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")"; return os;}istream& operator>>(istream& is, Point& p) {
is >> p.x >> p.y; return is;}class Circle : public Point {
protected: double r;public: Circle(double x = 0, double y = 0, double r = 0) :Point(x, y) {
this->r = r; } double area() const {
return PI * r * r; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Circle& c); friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Circle& c);};ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Circle& c) {
os << "Center:" << (Point)c << ", Radius:" << c.r << ", Area:" << c.area(); return os;}istream& operator>>(istream& is, Circle& c) {
is >> (Point&)c >> c.r; return is;}class Cylinder : public Circle {
protected: double h;public: Cylinder(double x = 0, double y = 0, double r = 0, double h = 0) : Circle(x, y, r) {
this->h = h; } double volume() const {
return area() * h; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Cylinder& c); friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Cylinder& c);};ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Cylinder& c) {
os << "Center:" << (Point)c << " Radius:" << c.r << " Height:" << c.h << " Volume:" << c.volume(); return os;}istream& operator>>(istream& is, Cylinder& c) {
is >> (Circle&)c >> c.h; return is;}int main() {
Point p(1, 2); cout << p << endl; Circle c(1, 2, 3); cout << c << endl; Cylinder cy(1, 2, 3, 4); cout << cy << endl; return 0;}


(1, 2)
Center:(1, 2), Radius:3, Area:28.2743
Center:(1, 2) Radius:3 Height:4 Volume:113.097

  1. 写一个程序,定义抽象类型Shape,由他派生三个类:Circle(圆形),Rectangle(矩形),Trapezoid(梯形),用一个函数printArea分别输出三者的面积,3个图形的数据在定义对象是给定。
using namespace std;const double PI = 3.1415926;class Shape {
public: virtual double area() const = 0; // 纯虚函数};class Circle: public Shape {
protected: double r;public: Circle(double r = 0) {
this->r = r; } double area() const {
return PI * r * r; }};class Rectangle: public Shape {
protected: double w, h;public: Rectangle(double w = 0, double h = 0) {
this->w = w; this->h = h; } double area() const {
return w * h; }};class Trapezoid: public Shape {
protected: double t, b, h;public: Trapezoid(double t = 0, double b = 0, double h = 0) {
this->t = t; this->b = b; this->h = h; } double area() const {
return (t + b) * h / 2; }};void printArea(Shape& s) {
cout << "The area is: " << s.area() << endl;}int main() {
Circle c(5.0); printArea(c); Rectangle r(3.0, 4.0); printArea(r); Trapezoid t(2, 4, 5); printArea(t); return 0;}


The area is: 78.5398
The area is: 12
The area is: 15

  1. 定义一个人员类CPerson,包括数据成员:姓名、编号、性别和用于输入输出的成员函数。在此基础上派生出学生类CStudent(增加成绩)和老师类CTeacher(增加教龄),并实现对学生和教师信息的输入输出。
using namespace std;class CPerson {
protected: string name; int id; char gender;public: void input() {
cout << "Enter Name: "; cin >> name; cout << "Enter ID: "; cin >> id; cout << "Enter Gender (M or F): "; cin >> gender; } void output() {
cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "ID: " << id << endl; cout << "Gender: " << gender << endl; }};class CStudent: public CPerson {
protected: double score;public: void input() {
CPerson::input(); cout << "Enter Score: "; cin >> score; } void output() {
CPerson::output(); cout << "Score: " << score << endl; }};class CTeacher : public CPerson {
protected: int seniority;public: void input() {
CPerson::input(); cout << "Enter Seniority: "; cin >> seniority; } void output() {
CPerson::output(); cout << "Seniority; " << seniority << endl; }};int main() {
CStudent cs; cout << "--- input student's infomation ---" << endl; cs.input(); cout << "--- output student's infomation ---" << endl; cs.output(); CTeacher ct; cout << "--- input teacher's infomation ---" << endl; ct.input(); cout << "--- output teacher's infomation ---" << endl; ct.output(); return 0;}


— input student’s infomation —
Enter Name: Kk
Enter ID: 101
Enter Gender (M or F): M
Enter Score: 100
— output student’s infomation —
Name: Kk
ID: 101
Gender: M
Score: 100
— input teacher’s infomation —
Enter Name: JJ
Enter ID: 202
Enter Gender (M or F): F
Enter Seniority: 20
— output teacher’s infomation —
Name: JJ
ID: 202
Gender: F
Seniority; 20

  1. 某商店经销一种货物,货物成箱购进,成箱卖出,购进和卖出时以重量为单位,各箱的重量不一样,因此,商店需要记下目前库存货物的总量,要求把商店货物购进和卖出的情况模拟出来。
using namespace std;class Goods {
private: int weight; // 单位:克public: Goods(int w = 0) {
weight = w; } int getWeight() const {
return weight; }};class Store {
private: Goods* inventory; // 库存商品 int size; // 库存商品数量 int capacity; // 当前最大容量public: Store(int c = 50) {
capacity = c; size = 0; inventory = new Goods[c]; } ~Store() {
delete[] inventory; } void addGoods(Goods g) {
if (size < capacity) {
inventory[size++] = g; } else {
// 容量不足,需要扩容 Goods* temp = new Goods[capacity * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
temp[i] = inventory[i]; } delete[] inventory; inventory = temp; capacity = capacity * 2; inventory[size++] = g; } cout << "Add a goods with weight of " << g.getWeight() << endl; } void sellGoods(int amount) {
// 出售商品 if (amount < size) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
size--; // 出售一件商品,库存-1 cout << "Sell a goods with weight of " << inventory[size].getWeight() << endl; } } else {
cout << "Inventory is not enough!" << endl; } } int getInventorySize() const {
// 获取当前库存量 return size; }};int main() {
Store store(5); store.addGoods(Goods(100)); store.addGoods(Goods(500)); store.addGoods(Goods(300)); cout << "Current inventory: " << store.getInventorySize() << endl; store.sellGoods(2); cout << "Current inventory: " << store.getInventorySize() << endl; store.addGoods(Goods(400)); cout << "Current inventory: " << store.getInventorySize() << endl; store.sellGoods(10); return 0;}


Add a goods with weight of 100
Add a goods with weight of 500
Add a goods with weight of 300
Current inventory: 3
Sell a goods with weight of 300
Sell a goods with weight of 500
Current inventory: 1
Add a goods with weight of 400
Current inventory: 2
Inventory is not enough!

  1. 设计一个Time类,包括三个私有数据成员:hour、minute、sec,用构造函数初始化,内设公用函数display(Date &d),设计一个Date类,包括三个私有数据成员:month、day、year,也用构适函数初始化;分别定义两个带参数的对象t1(12,30,55)、d1(3,25,2010),通过友员成员函数的应用,输出d1和t1的值。

这里vs有个坑,就是在Time类里面直接实现函数display,会出现“Date::year”: 无法访问 private 成员(在“Date”类中声明) ,后来改为外部实现才编译通过。

开头需要加上class Date;
class Time在class Date上面。

using namespace std;class Date;class Time {
private: int hour, minute, sec;public: Time(int h = 0, int m = 0, int s = 0) : hour(h), minute(m), sec(s) {
} void display(Date& d);};class Date {
private: int month, day, year;public: Date(int m = 0, int d = 0, int y = 0) : month(m), day(d), year(y) {
} friend void Time::display(Date& d);};void Time::display(Date& d) {
cout << d.month << "/" << d.day << "/" << d.year << " "; cout << hour << ":" << minute << ":" << sec << endl;}int main() {
Date d(5, 20, 2020); Time t(10, 10, 20); t.display(d); return 0;}


5/20/2020 10:10:20

  1. 设计一个Time类,包括三个私有数据成员:hour、minute、sec,用构造函数初始化,设计一个Date类,包括三个私有数据成员:month、day、year,也用构适函数初始化;设计一个普通函数display(…),将display分别设置为Time类和Date类的友元函数,在主函数中分别定义两个带参数的对象t1(12,30,55)、d1(3,25,2010),调用desplay,输出年、月、日和时、分、秒。
using namespace std;class Date;class Time {
private: int hour, minute, sec;public: Time(int h = 0, int m = 0, int s = 0) : hour(h), minute(m), sec(s) {
} friend void display(const Date& d, const Time& t);};class Date {
private: int month, day, year;public: Date(int m = 0, int d = 0, int y = 0) : month(m), day(d), year(y) {
} friend void display(const Date& d, const Time& t);};void display(const Date& d, const Time& t) {
cout << d.month << "/" << d.day << "/" << d.year << " "; cout << t.hour << ":" << t.minute << ":" << t.sec << endl;}int main() {
Date d(5, 20, 2020); Time t(10, 10, 20); display(d, t); return 0;}


5/20/2020 10:10:20

  1. 定义一个类(Point),再定义一个类(Distance)描述两点之间的距离,其数据成员为两个点类对象,两点之间距离的计算可设计由构造函数来实现。
using namespace std;class Point {
private: double x, y;public: Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {
} double getX() {
return x; } double getY() {
return y; }};class Distance {
private: double dist; Point pA, pB;public: Distance(Point& p1, Point& p2): pA(p1), pB(p2) {
double dx = abs(p1.getX() - p2.getX()); double dy = abs(p1.getY() - p2.getY()); dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } double getDist() {
return dist; }};int main() {
Point p1(0, 0); Point p2(3, 4); Distance d(p1, p2); cout << "The distance between p1 and p2 is " << d.getDist() << endl; return 0;}


The distance between p1 and p2 is 5

  1. 定义点类(Point),再定义一个函数(Distance)描述两点之间的距离,其数据成员为两个点类对象,将两点之间距离函数声明为Point类的友元函数。
using namespace std;class Point {
private: double x, y;public: Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {
} double getX() {
return x; } double getY() {
return y; } friend double Distance(Point& p1, Point& p2);};double Distance(Point& p1, Point& p2) {
double dx = abs(p1.x - p2.x); double dy = abs(p1.y - p2.y); return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);}int main() {
Point p1(0, 0); Point p2(3, 4); cout << "The distance between p1 and p2 is " << Distance(p1, p2) << endl; return 0;}


The distance between p1 and p2 is 5

  1. 实现重载函数Double(x),返回值为输人参数的两倍;参数分别为整型、浮点型、双精度型,返回值类型与参数一样。(用类模板实现)
using namespace std;template
class Double {
private: numtype x;public: Double(numtype x):x(x){
} numtype doubleValue() {
return 2 * x; }};int main() {
d1(10); cout << "The double of 10 is " << d1.doubleValue() << endl; Double
d2(10.55); cout << "The double of 10.55 is " << d2.doubleValue() << endl; Double
d3(20.3333); cout << "The double of 20.3333 is " << d3.doubleValue() << endl; return 0;}


The double of 10 is 20
The double of 10.55 is 21.1
The double of 20.333333 is 40.6666

  1. 有一个Time类,包含数据成员minute(分)和sec(秒),模拟秒表,每次走一秒,满60秒进一分钟,此时秒又从0开始算。要求输出分和秒的值。初值自拟。



using namespace std;class Time {
private: int minute, sec;public: Time(int m = 0, int s = 0) : minute(m), sec(s) {
} void run() {
while (true) {
cout << "Current time:" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << minute; cout << ":" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << sec << endl; sec++; if (sec >= 60) {
sec = 0; minute++; } if(minute >= 60) {
minute = 0; } Sleep(1000); } }};int main() {
Time t(59, 55); t.run(); return 0;}


Current time:59:55
Current time:59:56
Current time:59:57
Current time:59:58
Current time:59:59
Current time:00:00
Current time:00:01
Current time:00:02
Current time:00:03
Current time:00:04
Current time:00:05

  1. 分别用成员函数和友元函数重载运算符,使对实型的运算符“-”适用于复数运算。
using namespace std;class Complex {
private: double real; // 实部 double imag; // 虚部public: Complex(double r = 0, double i = 0) : real(r), imag(i) {
} // 成员函数方式重载运算符“-” Complex operator-(const Complex& other) const {
return Complex(real - other.real, imag - other.imag); } // 友元函数方式重载运算符“-” friend Complex operator-(double d, const Complex& c) {
return Complex(d - c.real, -c.imag); } // 友元函数方式重载输出运算符“<<” friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Complex& c) {
os << "(" << c.real << ", " << c.imag << ")"; return os; }};int main() {
Complex a(3, 4); Complex b(1, 2); // 使用成员函数方式重载的减法运算符 Complex c1 = a - b; cout << "c1 = a - b = " << c1 << endl; // 使用友元函数方式重载的减法运算符 double d = 5.0; Complex c2 = d - b; cout << "c2 = " << d << " - b = " << c2 << endl; return 0;}


c1 = a - b = (2, 2)
c2 = 5 - b = (4, -2)

  1. 商店销售某一商品,商店每天公布统一的折扣(discount)。同时允许销售人员在销售时灵活掌握售价(price),在此基础上,对一次购10件以上者,还可以享受9.8折优惠。请编程序,计算出当日此商品的总销售款sum,以及每件商品的平均售价。要求用静态数据成员和静态成员函数。(提示:将折扣discount、总销售款sum和商品销售总件数n声明为静态数据成员,再定义静态成员函数average(求平均售价)和display(输出结果)。现已知当天3名销货员的销售情况为:
using namespace std;class Product {
private: static double discount; // 折扣 static double sum; // 总销售款 static int n; // 总销售数 int num; // 销售员号 int quantity; // 销售件数 double price; // 销售单价public: Product(int n, int q, double p) :num(n), quantity(q), price(p) {
} void sale() {
double total = quantity * price; if (quantity > 10) {
total *= discount; } sum += total; n += quantity; } static double average() {
return sum / n; } static void display() {
cout << "The total sales amount is " << sum; cout << ", and average is " << average() << endl; }};double Product::discount = 0.98;double Product::sum = 0;int Product::n = 0;int main() {
Product p1(101, 5, 23.5); Product p2(102, 12, 24.56); Product p3(104, 100, 21.5); p1.sale(); p2.sale(); p3.sale(); Product::display(); return 0;}


The total sales amount is 2513.33, and average is 21.4814

  1. 有一个Time类,包含数据成员minute(分)和sec(秒),模拟秒表,每次走一秒,满60秒进一分钟,此时秒又从0开始算。要求输出分和秒的值,且对后置自增运算符的重载。

后置自增运算符:Time& operator(int);

前置自增运算符:Time& operator();

using namespace std;class Time {
private: int minute; int sec;public: Time(int m = 0, int s = 0) : minute(m), sec(s) {
} void display() {
cout << "time: " << minute << ":" << sec << endl; } Time& operator++(int) {
// Time++ sec++; if (sec >= 60) {
minute += sec / 60; sec %= 60; } return *this; } Time& operator++() {
// ++Time sec++; if (sec >= 60) {
minute += sec / 60; sec %= 60; } return *this; }};int main() {
Time t(6, 50); t.display(); // 输出当前时间 t++; // 模拟时间流逝,自增1秒 t.display(); // 输出当前时间 ++t; // 模拟时间流逝,自增1秒 t.display(); // 输出当前时间 return 0;}


time: 6:50
time: 6:51
time: 6:52


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